Help! My Small keeps getting out of bed at bedtime


When you make that transition to a toddler bed, your toddler finds a newfound freedom that they’ve not had before. They suddenly realise they can get out of bed themselves!

This can naturally cause some anxiety and worry for you but, it’s all part of the transition process. When something is new it’s a novelty and it’s normal for your toddler to explore their new bed and push the bedtime boundaries.

All toddlers are different. Some simply won’t make a bid for freedom and will stay in their bed happily. And some will start to get out of bed or even leave the bedroom to come and find you. You may find you and your toddler are playing a game of Jack In The Bed!

This can be frustrating and tiring for you both, but it’s usually only temporary and settles with time.

Toddler bed transition

My sleep suggestions if your toddler won’t stay in their bed:

  1. Give it some time to settle. These transitions take time!

  2. If they get out of bed or come out of the bedroom, try not to ask questions such as “Why aren’t you asleep?” or “Why are you out of bed again?!” They’ve no idea why and it can keep you both playing the game for longer!

  3. Reassure them but gently reinforce the bed boundary: “I know it’s hard to stay in bed and end the day but it’s sleepy time now”

  4. Gently guide them back to bed straight away, get them tucked in and continue to settle to sleep as usual.

  5. It’s also normal for them to need some extra support to fall asleep and you may find they need you back in the room to settle. IF this happens it’s always ok to do this but try to leave the bedroom just before they fall all the way to sleep IF you can

If you’re sleep struggling with your toddler’s sleep, remember to check out my Toddler Bedtime Basics Workshop.

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