Tear Talk


Crying is a really emotive and subjective conversation.

So I like to be really clear about crying at Care It Out. I can’t guarantee that making changes to your Small’s sleep is going to be totally tear-free. Even the caring way!

This is because:

Crying is completely normal

Your Small cries to communicate

Emotions aren’t good or bad and they’re all valid!

It’s not about muting or preventing them from crying. That’s unrealistic and I like to keep it real. My whole approach is never about muting or preventing them from crying. But what I can guarantee you is that if your Small is crying:

  • You can always support them straight away

  • You can always make physical or eye contact

  • You can always pick them up to comfort and calm them.

Every single time there are tears!

On my sleep approach there’s no: Waiting or withholding anything to see if they settle, rules when it’s ok or not ok to respond, avoiding any physical or eye contact and I know this sounds pretty impossible right?

I see this happen every single day and it still blows my mind! but it’s possible to improve their sleep and support them to their biological best whilst doing all of these things.

Are you ready to make changes to your sleep the caring way?

Sign up to one of my Ecourses to take your first step.