Episode 32: Lockdown life and sleep


We’re at the start of another 4 weeks of lockdown life in the UK. We’re all sailing in the same Covid-19 storm but we’re in different ships.

Lockdown life will very much look and feel different to all of us.

Some of us may be looking forward to lockdown life and some of us might be absolutely dreading it. I’m somewhere in the middle for sure!

However, there’s no right or wrong way to feel about it. And there isn’t a right or wrong way that lockdown life should look for you. 

This podcast isn’t me telling you how you should feel or what you should be doing during lockdown. My intention is not to add stress to an already stressful time. But in this episode, I offer you plenty of reassurance and some sleep suggestions that could help you, your Small and their sleep during these strange and difficult times.

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If you’re sleep struggling, remember to check out my Bedtime Basics E-Course and Bedtime Boundaries E-course.

You can also find lots of useful info in my Sleep Freebie or on my sleep squares, over on Insta.

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